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Support Us
LS29 is a a small registered charity in Ilkley, West Yorkshire. We were set up and are run by parents and volunteers, who have children with special needs.
Your donations make a real difference to our charity. As we are run by volunteers and are a small group, our overheads are minimal, so your donations go directly to benefit our members - with subsidised trips, outings and activities.
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Thank you
We are reliant on the generosity and support from our members, local community and organisations who support us throughout the year.
Thank you to everyone who continues to raise funds for us - it makes a huge difference.
If you'd be interested in getting involved and fundraising or making a donation, we'd love to hear from you.
LS29 members raising funds for our Blackpool trip by taking part in a Triathlon | Our local Tesco store supporting us - thanks to all who chose LS29 for their blue tokens! | The annual Ilkley Beer Festival hosted by our fantastic supporters, the Ilkley Round Table. | The awesome Val and her charity wing walk! | Our local Jigsaw store hosting a fundraising event |
Fundraising with the brilliant Ilkley Round Table | Our local Co-Op store - raising funds for LS29 | Volunteers helping out at the Ilkley Half | LS29 celebrating 10 years in the park | Thanks to the TSB Bank for supporting LS29 |
Half marathon runners! | Singing Hands Concert organised by LS29 | Our volunteers providing refreshments at the Ilkley Half Marathon |
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